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We have several openings for you to serve and be served at Charity. Read on to find our more about each of our church ministries that cover a variety of ages and interests. 
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Men's Ministry​

The purpose of our men's ministry is to disciple and equip the men of Charity in their roles as men of God. We provide a venue for modeling the life of Christ to men through teaching, fellowship, and service for men of all ages! Also, we provide opportunity for fostering spiritual friendships and developing discipling relationships, so, men can grow in conformity to Christ. The Men's Monday group meets on the first Monday of every month in the social hall for supper and a devotional.

Student Ministry

We recognize the value of relational ministry for teenagers. So, along with their Sunday morning gathering, our students come together for various off-campus  activities throughout the year. Our students understand "the church isn't a building, it's a people!"
Elevate Kids

In addition to Sunday School and Children's Church, our children (ages 6-12) have another opportunity to gather together on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm. During the evening worship service, they will learn various Bible stories to help them know and understand how much God cares for them. 


Also, our children participate in other activities through the year such as VBS, Fall Festival, outdoor movie nights, etc.

Food Pantry


Our Food Pantry ministry collects non perishable food items to store so that 60 family size boxes of food can be given out over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. These recipients are found through Family and Children's Services and in November, we will sort these items into boxes to give to families in need.


For our current items being collected, subscribe to our newsletter!

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